Lezione di Economia Marche 2024: Prof. Ron Boschma

Lezione di Economia Marche 2024: Prof. Ron Boschma

“An evolutionary approach to regional traps: an empirical analysis of European regions”

Questo è il titolo della Lezione di Economia Marche 2024, che si terrà martedì 14 maggio alle ore 10.30 presso la Sala del Consiglio della Facoltà di Economia Giorgio Fuà – Ancona – UNIVPM. Il relatore sarà Ron Boschma, Professore di Economia regionale presso l’Università di Utrecht.


Recently, the development trap concept has been introduced to identify regions that get caught in persistent patterns of low economic growth and stagnation. Evolutionary scholars have indicated that self-reinforcing dynamics can limit the capacity of regions to innovate and develop new growth paths. However, an evolutionary approach to regional development traps is still underdeveloped. We build on but also go beyond recent works that argue that regions might become trapped in low-complexity activities, because their opportunities to develop high-complex activities are very limited, since relevant capabilities are missing. We discuss the policy implications, like what to do about regional traps, how to successfully escape them, and how to avoid them in the future. This is crucial for Smart Specialization policy in places that find themselves trapped or run the risk of falling into a trap.


Ron Boschma is Full Professor in Regional Economics at the University of Utrecht, and Professor in Innovation Studies at Stavanger University. He has laid the foundations of a new influential stream in Economic Geography, that is, Evolutionary Economic Geography. In the period 2013-2015, he was director of the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE) at Lund University. Ron Boschma has published in international journals on the geography of innovation, spatial evolution of industries, the structure and evolution of spatial networks, agglomeration externalities and regional growth, and regional diversification. He was member of the Research, Innovation and Science Experts (RISE) High-Level Advisory Body to European Commissioner Carlos Moedas 2015-2016

>> Al termine della Lezione, saranno presentate le sei tesi vincitrici del Premio di Laurea “Economia marche”